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What is a crypto wallet?

A crypto wallet is a software program or physical device that allows you to store your cryptocurrencies and allow for the sending and receiving of crypto transactions.

A crypto wallet consists of two key pairs: private keys and public keys. A public key is derived from the private key and serves as the address used to send crypto to the wallet.

The important part of a wallet — and the part where new users often find themselves getting into trouble — is the private key. A private key is like the key to a safe deposit box. Anyone who has access to the private key of a wallet can take control of the balance held there.

Where to store CKB and how to keep it safe?

There are a number of ways that you can keep your CKB safe on either software or even hardware wallets.

Additionally, CKB is available at several exchanges, where it can be stored, but for added security, it is worth looking into some other options.

Below is custody and wallet support for CKB:


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