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As Nervos has completed a full integration with Ledger, you can use the Ledger hardware wallet to store, send and receive CKB token. Here is the step-by-step guide.

Own a Ledger hardware wallet

There are several ways to buy a Ledger hardware wallet:

Currently, there are 2 Ledger hardware wallets for sale: Ledger Nano S and Ledger Nano X. You can find the detailed comparison here: https://shop.ledger.com/pages/hardware-wallets-comparison

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Install Ledger Live app and set up your device

  1. Open https://www.ledger.com/ledger-live/download and download the Desktop Ledger Live app.

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  2. Install the Ledger Live app.

  3. Connect your Ledger hardware wallet to your computer with USB, and open the Ledger Live app.

  4. Press on Get Started and accept Terms & Conditions.

  5. Choose the type of your Ledger hardware wallet.

  6. Set up a new wallet and set up the PIN code, which is 4~8 digits. You need to input the PIN code every time you want to unlock your Ledger device. Also remember to write down the 24 mnemonic phrase and keep it safe, never sharing it online under any circumstances.


Install Nervos app on Ledger device