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The SaaSGo Web3 OS (previously Encentive) enables code-free overnight deployment of peer-to-peer DeFi apps and marketplaces starting from a community of one, plus fiat/crypto on/off ramps. Any individual or organization can establish the next great DeFi app or marketplace almost instantly, complete with farming and staking, fine-tuned to benefit and serve the governance needs and trading preferences of their own unique communities and missions.

Thanks to the integration of Nervos Network, users are now able to issue tokens on Godwoken v1 and add liquidity using SaaSGo Web3 OS instantly.

Here is the step by step guide.


Note: Encentive has completed a brand upgrade and the new brand is SaaSGo.

How to issue tokens on Godwoken v1?

With the help of SaaSGo Web3 OS, anyone can issue user defined tokens on Godwoken v1, a scalable EVM-compatible solution for Nervos Network.

  1. Open SaaSGo DApp and click to connect your wallet.


  2. Select Nervos network and confirm the switch on your wallet.


  3. Click Create Token.


  4. Fill in the information of your tokens — name, symbol, max total supply, and then upload the logo. In this demonstration, we create a new token named Nervos Community (NC) with the max total supply of 100,000.


  5. Click Create and confirm the action on your wallet. The gas fee in this step is about 11.5 CKB (depending on the Godwoken network conditions).


  6. After a few seconds, you will see your token project.


  7. If you want to edit the information of newly created tokens, click to open the project and choose the Edit info, where you can change the logo, set up the user interface skin, add links of Twitter/Telegram/Discord/Docs.


How to add/remove liquidity?

After creating your tokens, you can then add liquidity using the Encentive Web3 OS.